Forest View High School


Kia Kaha! Kia Toa! Kia Manawanui! - Courage Knows No Defeat!

Senior Prizegiving 2021

Senior Prizegiving 2021

Senior Prizegiving 2021

Senior Prizegiving 2021 • News • Forest View High School




Merit Awards for Outstanding Effort and Attitude

Dawn Anderson-Newton, Tawana Change, Zahra Fadhilah, Ella Hale, Caitlyn Haratsis, Ainsley Harrison, Montana Hartley, Hamish King, Sheng Lim, Jordyn Masters, Jon-Haze Metu, Andrew Nairn, Xavier Paikea, Trey Potoru-Kawhena, Nathen Snowsill-Carter, Kate Taylor.

Level 1 - First in Subject Awards    

Music: Donated by SR & A Deihl Builders                                                    Angel Kiikoro        

Cook Islands Maori: Donated by Crest Cleaning Services                          Moeroa Kamoe    

Pacific Studies: Donated by South Waikato District Council                      Manaia Pokaitara    

Carpentry: Donated by ITM Tokoroa                                                            Jenna MacPherson

Engineering: Holster Engineering Co (2003) Ltd                                         Kobi Gordge

Food Technology: Donated by Steve Norman Tradies                                Hannah Biggs        

Digital Technology: & the Nedra Stephenson Cup                                      Sheng Lim

 Donated by TACS Technology                                                                       Regan Meerkerk    

Business Studies: Donated by TACS Technology                                          Xavier Paikea    

Art: Donated by Louise Upston                                                                     Jessica Waretini

Geography: Donated by Forest View High School                                      Ainsley Harrison

Physical Education: Donated by Katharine McGovern                                Joel Waldon

Te Reo Māori: Donated by South Waikato Funeral Services                      Maia Putoko

History: Donated by Karen Watkins                                                             Maia Putoko

Mathematics: Donated by Forest View High School            Maia Putoko & Montana Hartley

Science: Donated by TACS Technology                                                        Montana Hartley

English: donated by Teddy Eivers                                                                 Montana Hartley

Health: Donated by Forest View High School                                             Montana Hartley

Top Academic Achievers in Year 11

Third Place Donated by Forest View High School                                      Maia Putoko    

Second Place Donated by Forest View High School                                   Joel Waldon    

First Place Donated by Forest View High School& the Taikato Trophy    Montana Hartley    


Merit Awards for Outstanding Effort and Attitude

Defin Akmal, Michael Allan, Michelle Deo, Romel Flintoff, Masumi Jansen, Lucy King, Yi Hui Lim, Lenaine Merrylees-Clarke, Mya Murray, Tahi Nathan-Dowling, Olivia Naude, Anais Pita, Nina Robins, Rosemarie Tuakeu, Troy Waldon

Level 2 - First in Subject Awards    

Food Technology:  Donated by Steve Norman Tradies                             Laian Watarawi         

Art: Donated by Loise Upston                                                                     Shakaiya Aerts

Te Reo Māori: Donated by South Waikato Funeral Services                    Michael Allan

Outdoor Education Donated by Forest View High School                       Troy Waldon

English: & the Parker Cup donated by Teddy Eivers                 Lenaine Merrylees-Clarke & Ashlee Salmon    

Business Studies: Donated by TACS Technology                                        Mya Murray

Pacific Studies: Donated by South Waikato District Council                    Rosemarie Tuakeu

Chemistry: Donated by Forest View High School                                      Yi Hui Lim

Cook Islands Maori: Donated by Crest Cleaning Services                         Hone Roberts-Takiri

Music: SR & A Deihl Builders                                                                       Hone Robert-Takiri    

Geography: Donated by Forest View High School                                    Michelle Deo

History: Donated by Karen Watkins                                                   Michelle Deo & Lucy King

Health: Donated by Forest View High School                                            Lucy King

Mathematics: Donated by Forest View High School                                 Lucy King    

Carpentry: donated by ITM Tokoroa                                                          Defin Akmal

Engineering donated by: Holster Engineering Co (2003) Ltd                  Defin Akmal    

Physical Education: Donated by Katharine McGovern                             Defin Akmal                                                            

Biology: Donated by TACS Technology                                                     Olivia Naude

Earth and Space Science: Donated by Steve Norman Tradies                Olivia Naude

Physics: Donated by Forest View High School                                         Olivia Naude    

Bay of Plenty Futures Academy

Level 2 Engineering Most Improved Student                                         Romel Flintoff

Level 2 Café Skills – Most Improved Student                                          Jamie Mitchell

Level 2 Construction Top student                                                             JP Pedrochi    

Level 2-Café Skills – Top Student                                                            Ashlee Salmon

Top Academic Achievers in Year 12

Third Place Donated by Forest View High School                                 Lenaine Merrylees-Clarke

Second Place Donated by Forest View High School                             Yi Hui Lim    

First Place Donated by Forest View High School & the Jowett Trophy:    Olivia Naude    


Merit Awards for Outstanding Effort and Attitude

Jack Coombe, Sharneica Finlay, Shelby Finlay, Keziah Gemmell-Russell, Faith Healey, Anne Knight, Monique Smith, Nicole Steiner, Maddison Sneddon, Lily-Mae Teao

Level 3 - First in Subject Awards    

Art: Donated by: Impact Photographics & the Vanya Crocker Trophy     Alexis Clifton

Physical Education: Donated by Katharine McGovern                               Shirley Glassie-Ginns    

Health: Donated by: Tokoroa District Lions                                                 Jai Nooroa    

Statistics: Donated by Tokoroa New World                                                 Chealsie De Vorms

Calculus: Donated by Tokoroa New World                                                  Janne Gabay

Cook Islands Maori: Donated by Crest Cleaning Services                         Anne Knight

Food Technology: Donated by Steve Norman Tradies                               Maddison Sneddon

Chemistry: Donated by Donated by Forest View High School & the Cox Trophy    Monique Perrott    

Physics: Donated by Donated by Louise Upston                                        Alyssa Ferreira                                     

History: Donated by Karen Watkins & the Karen Watkins Cup    Keziah Gemmell-Russell & Monique Smith

Earth and Space Science: Donated by by:Steve Norman Tradies             Monique Smith   

Music: Donated by  SR & A Deihl Builders                                                 Faith Healey

Geography: Donated by Photolife Studios                                                Faith Healey

English: Donated by Teddy Eivers & the Brian Hayson Memorial Trophy    Faith Healey & Juliette Hill

Biology: Donated by TACS Technology & the Julie Ann Gawn Memorial Trophy    Juliette Hill

Pacific Studies: Donated by South Waikato District Council                    Juliette Hill & Kailia Abbott

Te Reo Māori: Donated by South Waikato Funeral Services                     Kailia Abbott

Engineering: Donated by Holster Engineering Co (2003) Ltd                   Kailia Abbott    

Digital Information Technology: Donated by by TACS Technology          Kailia Abbott

& the Bank of New South Wales Trophy 

Carpentry: Donated by ITM Tokoroa                                                            Kailia Abbott

Bay of Plenty Futures Academy

Level 3 Early Childhood Education Most Improved Student                     Shelby Finlay


Arapuni Lake Leaders:            Defin Akmal, Mya Murray, Jaydon (JP) Pedrochi

Maraetai Lake Leaders:           Michael Allen, Michelle Deo, Romel Flintoff, Jordyn Masters        

Ohakuri Lake Leaders:            Tawana Change, Shya Tereu Joel Waldon, Troy Waldon        

Whakamaru Lake Leaders:     Anne Knight, Brooke Lefebre, Moeroa Kamoe    

Board of Trustee Representative:        Juliette Hill

Donated by Morrissey’s    

2021 Head Students:

Donated by Forest View High School    Shirley Glassie-Ginns, Faith Healey, Juliette Hill


Interlake Competition: Trophy donated by Peter Lee                                         Whakamaru


Year 11 Writing Award: Donated by Waikato Graduate Womens Trust            Montana Hartley

Year 12 &13 Writing Award: Donated by Waikato Graduate Womens Trust    Jayde Teao

& the Mrs L Davey Cup

Year 12 &13 Speech Award: Donated by Morrisseys                                          Faith Healey

 & the Higgins Cup

For Composition of Music: Donated by Tokoroa New World                            Faith Healey

& the Tommy Knight Trophy

For Contribution to Music: Donated by Morrisseys                                           Shirley Glassie-Ginns


For Contribution to the Cultural Life of the School: $120                                Shirley Glassie-Ginns

Donated by Spray and Fertworx & the Spray and Fertworx Ltd Cup

The Online Learning Cup: Donated by Tokoroa New World                            Rhys Jeffrey

For Showing Outstanding Self-Management Skills   

For Contribution to the Student Council: 1993 Executive Council Cup            Shirley Glassie-Ginns

Donated by: Photolife Studios    

POET Award: For Excellent Participation and Leadership in Outdoor Education      Troy Waldon

Donated by The Perry Outdoor Education Trust 

Maori Performing Arts Award:                                                                                         Shirley Glassie-Ginns

For Commitment and Contribution to Te Piringatahi Kapa Haka at a Senior Level    Faith Healey

Donated by:Morrisseys & the Kapoor Family Trophy

Te Piringatahi Student of the Year Award Donated by: Tokoroa New World              Faith Healey

For the Most Co-operative Pupil in Maori Activities                                                     Lily-Mae Teao

 & the Yvonne Manuel Memorial Trophy

The Vaine Toa Trophy: For Commitment to Pasifika Studies                                         Rosemarie Tuakeu

Donated by Tokoroa New World

Te Koputangata Mutua Trophy:                                                                                        Shirley Glassie-Ginns

For Commitment and Contribution to Porinetia Fa’atasi at a Senior Level                 Juliette Hill

Donated by Tokoroa New World                                                                                      Anne Knight

SWPICS AWARD: Donated by SWPICS $250                                                                    Anne Knight

For Commitment and Contribution to the Pasifika Community and School

‘Vaerua Meitaki / Good Spirit Award: Donated by The Sistas                                        Anne Knight

For showing ongoing commitment and contribution to Forest View High School and the wider community 

whilst showing humility, respect, leadership, persistence, kindness


The University of Waikato

Ko Te Tangata School Leaver Scholarship ($5000)                                                        Kailia Abbott

Ko Te Tangata School Leaver Scholarship ($5000)                                                        Kaziah Gemmell-Russell

Te Paewai o te Rangi Scholarship                                                                                   Faith Healey

for outstanding Academic Achievement (25,000)

The University of Auckland                                                                                             Lily-Mae Teao

Waka Moana Scholarship ($15000)    

The University of Otago    

POPO Foundation Scholarship ($21,000)                                                                     Shirley Glassie-Ginns    

POPO Foundation Scholarship ($18,000)                                                                    Juliette Hill

Poutama Scholarship for Hands-On at Otago                                                            Lenaine Merrylees-Clarke

David Johnstone Charitable Trust

WINTEC ($6000)                                                                                                          Monique Perrott

Waikato University ($6000)                                                                                        Faith Healey

Tokoroa Churches Council Trust Scholarship                                                            Defin Akmal        

For Students Returning to School - $500        Tahi Nathan-Dowling, Nina Robins, Rosemarie Tuakeu    

Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology

Seconday school Achievers Scholarship - $1500                                                   Alyssa Ferreira    

Head Start Perry Outdoor Education Trust Scholarship                                        Faith Healey    

Donated the Perry Group. $5000

The FG Blackwell Memorial Scholarship                                                                Shirley Glassie-Ginns

Academic, Sporting & Culture Achievements

Donated the Tokoroa Club Inc. $500

Ben O’Keeffe Bursary                                                                                             Faith Healey

For an Excellent Sportsperson going on to Tertiary Education

Donated by Mr G O’Keeffe -$2000

Prime Ministers Vocational Excellence Award $2000                                        Hunta Chapman    

For Outstanding Achievement in Vocational Education

Mayoral Scholarship        

For a year 13 Student Leaving School    

Presented by Her Worship Mayor Jenny Shattock


Board of Trustee Representative: by Juliette Hill                                            Troy Waldon

 Head Students: by Mrs Jocelyn Hale    Michael Allan, Michelle Deo, Mya Murray, Troy Waldon


Tokoroa City Lions Award $250                                                                        Anne Knight    

For the All-Round Pupil Proceeding to Tertiary Education

South Waikato District Council Award $200                                                  Monique Smith

Best Senior Student in Science and Mathematics

Forest View High School Staff Cup $200                                                        Faith Healey

Donated by: SR & A Deihl Builders

Best Senior Student in Arts and Social Science

Talanoa Ako Award $250                                                                                 Juliette Hill

Donated by: Forest View High School

For the Top Pasifika Academic Achiever

Piwi Tipi Haere Trophy $250                                                                          Faith Healey

Donated by: Tokoroa District Lions Club For the Top Maori Academic Achiever

Tertio Loco $200                                                                                              Anne Knight

Donated by: the Mutua Family  For Academic Excellence & the Mutua Trophy

Proxime Accessit $300                                                                                    Faith Healey

Donated by:Steve Norman Tradies    

For Academic Excellence & the Forest View High School Trophy

Dux                                                                                                                    Juliette Hill

Donated by: Tokoroa Host Lions Club $500    

The Dux Medal and the Whitbread Edwards Trophy

For Overall Academic Excellence at Forest View High School

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