Forest View High School


Kia Kaha! Kia Toa! Kia Manawanui! - Courage Knows No Defeat!

Samoan Language week

FVHS celebrating Samoan Language week Talofa! Taeao manuia to you all. It’s officially Samoan Language Week 2020! This year’s theme is “Tapena sou ōso mo lau malaga” - Prepare yourself a gift for your travels. We have many activities planned for the week and we look forward to celebrating alongside our school's Sāmoan community Ia manuia le aso????

Talofa! Taeao manuia to you all. It’s officially Samoan Language Week 2020! This year’s theme is “Tapena sou ōso mo lau malaga” - Prepare yourself a gift for your travels. We have many activities planned for the week and we look forward to celebrating alongside our school's Sāmoan community 

Ia manuia le aso

We have a big week of activities planned to get celebrate Samoan language - huge thank you to our staff who have worked behind the scenes putting this all together!