Kia ora, Kia orana and warmest greetings to you all,
Beginning in 2020 we are asking you for your support of Forest View High School through our community Annual Giving programme which allows us to enhance the learning experience of our students. It is through the generosity of our parents, past parents, past students, grandparents, staff and friends that our students continue to thrive in academic, cultural, and sporting endeavours.
In 2020 our campaign is focusing Annual Giving toward buying a bus so we can take our students out to explore the real world learning opportunities that surround us.
Every gift, regardless of the amount, gives us the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our students.
To support our Annual Giving Programme, please complete the form below
We are thankful for your support of Forest View High School
If you would like to make a donation via bank transfer, please use the following details:
Forest View High School
02 0464 0217937 06
Reference: Donation
Particulars: Your Name
If you would like a receipt issued for tax purposes please email [email protected]
This fund is no longer active. Please contact us directly about your giving options.